I've been wanting to update my showreel for a long time and have finally had the footage back from various projects to edit together my new acting showreel for November 2023. I believe this is my strongest showreel yet as it showcases my brand the most accurately and involved working with some very talented actors, writers and directors.
Some exciting things to share from the past couple months!
1. I submitted a first draft of my deubt script, Service with a Smile, to 509 Arts' Wordsmithery competition and it was shortlisted! I not only have a full script to work on further but also some great feedback from the judges on how to improve it. 2. My showreel scenes with Both Feet have been edited and I'm just waiting on some last minute ADR before I can share the scenes in full! 3. A short documentary filmed at the Industrial Museum with members of the Sangat Centre, Keighley, that I presented in September, is nearly finished in post production. 4. This month is full of open mics, writing workshops and more Lost Mills and Ghost Mansions interviews! |
AboutHere I document my acting journey, including behind the scenes content and role updates. Archives
December 2024
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